Java Experience
Parking Data Management System
Personal Project
Apr 2018 - Aug 2018
Collaborated with 3 people to create a highly modular Java Swing application for collecting and organizing data from parking security companies. His efforts resulted in an expandable and easy to use software core to base further projects off of
Designed a Self-Checking Database core which automatically detects data Integrity flaws, creating an easy to use and intuitive database communication
Expanded his knowledge by porting the system over to android
Book Ordering System
School Project
Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
Desire2Love (D2L)
School Project
Jan 2018 - Apr 2018
Co-created a love themed d2l site. Students could view content for their courses, submit assignments, and participate in online message boards with other other students.
Kevin implemented A multi-purpose Server communication system which allowed for easy communication between the front end and back end. His system made all database interaction a breeze, and allowed for a messaging service to be implemented into the application
Additional Java Experience
School Projects
Sep 2016 - Dec 2018
Used Java for many smaller assignments. This work has given Kevin a strong understanding of advanced techniques like Generics and lambdas
While the majority of his work was in Java 8, he has done extensive research into modern java techniques such as Var and Records. He has also taken an interest in the future direction of the language (ie Project Valhalla and Project Loom)